----- **Newcomer questions** \\ [[faq:about|00 Fears and Uncertainties]] \\ [[faq:0A You need Steam|0A: You need Steam]] \\ [[faq:loadingup|0B: Loading up]] \\ [[faq:serverfull|0C: Server is full]] \\ [[crash|0D: FiveM crashed. What do I do?]] \\ [[FPSlimt|0F: How do I limit to 60FPS?]] \\ [[PCMR|0G: How can I reduce ingame stutter?]] \\ [[OBS|0H: How do I set-up a replay buffer?]] \\ [[Ping|0I: Packet Loss Test]] [[faq:things_work|1A: Making sure things work]] \\ **[[faq:spectator|1B: Why am I stuck in the Arena?]]** \\ [[faq:charactercustomization|1C: I want to change my character's outfit]] \\ [[faq:controls|1D: What are the controls?]] \\ [[faq:howtorace|1E: How do I participate in a race?]] \\ [[faq:notracing|1F: Nobody is hosting a race. What do I do?]] **People aren't racing** \\ [[faq:race_now|2A: Why can't we just race right now?]] \\ [[faq:things_except_racing|2B: What else can I do?]] \\ [[faq:fix_character|2C: How do I edit my character?]] \\ [[faq:get_car|2D: How do I spawn in a car?]] \\ [[faq:track|2E: Doing Time Trials]] \\ [[faq:doing_races|2F: A Racer just joined let's race!]] **You're actually in a race** \\ [[faq:when_to_start|3A: When do I go?]] \\ [[faq:where_is_my_car|3B: Where's my car?]] \\ [[faq:first_corner_issues|3C: Why does everyone crash on turn 1?]] \\ [[faq:hitting_others|3D: I just hit someone, what should I do?]] \\ [[faq:i_got_hit|3E: I've been hit, what should I do?]] \\ [[faq:i_didnt_hit|3F: Someone says I hit them but I didn't]] \\ [[faq:racecraft|3G: About Racecraft]] \\ [[faq:random_races|3H: Random Race Rules]]\\