You can follow a [[|video (Blender 2.80 and later)]] of this guide. It may be helpful to refer to both the video and this text. ====== Preparation ====== **You can open [[|this start file]] for Blender 2.80 and later (may work with 2.79 and earlier, but has not been tested) and skip this section** Follow these steps to prepare for previewing liveries - If you are using blender 2.79 or earlier, switch from ''Blender Render'' to ''Cycles Render'' in the dropdown to the right of the topmost menu bar. - On the menu bar in the top-right of the 3D view (below the 3D view in Blender 2.79 or earlier, or a file created in Blender 2.79 or earlier), click the ball icon next to ''Object Mode'' and select ''Material'' {{|}} - Right-click the default cube to select it - Select the Material tab in the Properties pane {{ :contributing:blender:2020-04-16_14_20_29-blender.png?direct&200|}} - Click ''+ New'' - Blender 2.80: Click the icon in the upper-left of the 3D view, and select ''Material Editor'' - Blender 2.79: Click the icon in the lower-right of the 3D view, and select ''Node Editor'' - You should now see a ''Principled BSDF'' or ''Diffuse BSDF'' with its ''BSDF'' output connected to a ''Material Output'' by its ''Surface'' input. If so, skip the next three steps. - If not, press delete to clear the Node Editor (press ''A'' then delete if this does not clear the Node Editor) - Click ''Add > Output > Material Output'' and click anywhere in the Node Editor to place the node - Click ''Add > Shader > Diffuse BSDF'' and click anywhere in the Node Editor to the left of the Material Output node to place the node - Click and drag from the ''BSDF'' output of the ''Diffuse BSDF'' node to the ''Surface'' input of the ''Material Output'' Node - Click ''Add > Color > MixRGB'' and click in an empty space to the left of the BSDF node to place it - Click ''Add > Texture > Image Texture'' and click in an empty space to the left of the ''Mix'' node to place it - Click and drag from the ''Color'' output of the ''Image Texture'' to the ''Color 2'' input of the ''Mix'' - Click and drag from the ''Alpha'' output of the ''Image Texture'' to the ''Fac'' input of the ''Mix'' node - Click the Shield icon (or F) next to the material name near the top of the material tab in the properties pane. - On the left of the menu above (below in 2.79 and earlier) the ''Node Editor'', click the icon and select ''3D View'' - Press ''A'' to select all (press until orange outlines are seen) - Press ''Delete'' and click on the confirmation popup - You may want to ''File >> Save'', or ''File > Save Startup File'' as this is a good starting point for previewing liveries {{:contributing:blender:2020-04-16_14_36_48-blender.png?direct&400|}} ====== Import and texture the OBJ ====== - Click ''File > Import > Wavefront (.obj)'' - Browse to and select the file, then click ''Import OBJ'' - On the ''Material'' tab on the ''Properties'' panel, click the ball icon next to ''+ New'' and select the material created earlier. If you are using the start file linked above, ''view uv.000'' or ''view composite'' is good for most livery making. - Click the triangle pointing right icon next to ''Base Color [Mix]'' - Click the triangle pointing right icon next to ''Fac [Image Texture]'' - Click ''Open'' - Browse to and select the livery image file, then click ''Open Image'' ====== Auto-reload plugin ====== Instead of repeatedly opening the livery texture file every time you make a change, you can install a plugin that will automatically reload it every time the file changes. * If you use GIMP or Photoshop, you can use the add-on [[|External Paint Autorefresh]] * If you use another program, you can use [[|Auto-Reload Images]] {{ :contributing:blender:2020-04-17_23_51_46-blender.png?direct&400|}} - Download your prefered auto-reload plugin - In Blender, on the top menu bar, select ''File > User Preferences...'' - Click ''Add-ons'' then ''Install Add-on from File...'' at the top - Browse to and select the ZIP file you downloaded above, then click ''Install Add-on from File...'' - Click ''user'' under ''Categories'' on the left - Click the check-box next to the add-on you just installed - Click ''Save user settings'' - You may have to enable the auto-refresh functionality when launching blender or opening a file - For ''Auto-Reload Images'' - Blender 2.79: click the clock icon on the right of the top menu bar - Blender 2.80: click the ''Timer'' button (with a clock icon) in the ''Context'' tab of the ''Properties'' panel